

The Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study, or CHIPS for short, was established in April 2000, and is a multi-centre cohort study of HIV infected children in the UK and Ireland. CHIPS is a collaboration between:

  • centres that care for HIV-infected children, many of whom are enrolled in PENTA trials (the Paediatric European Network for the Treatment of AIDS).
  • the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC) at the Institute of Child Health, and
  • the Medical Research Council, Clinical Trials Unit (MRC CTU).

CHIPS is a follow up study of HIV-infected children under care in the UK and Ireland. The main objectives of CHIPS are to describe clinical, laboratory and treatment data for these children, as well as their use of paediatric HIV services. CHIPS aims to enhance the exchange of information and expertise between centres in order to promote standardised high quality paediatrician-led care of all HIV-infected children in the UK and Ireland.

CHIPS is funded by the NHS (London Specialised Commissioning Group) and has received additional support from Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead Sciences, Janssen and Roche. The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL is supported by the Medical Research Council (https://www.mrc.ac.uk) programme number MC_UU_12023/26.